It's not as obvious as in the classic games, where the whole camera view shifts toward whatever it is, but if you're paying attention, you'll get the idea. Occasionally Lara will turn her head toward something you’re meant to notice. The camera follows Lara more fluidly than in previous games, but you still have full camera control if you want to look around.

I suspect that later on, after she's found some more gear, tended to her wounds, and so forth, we'll see a much stronger and more acrobatic Lara, and the feel of the controls will evolve to reflect that. It's all very realistic, and really helps the player feel her predicament. She staggers after falling from a high ledge, as anyone would, and after a long jump-and-grab, she pulls herself up and pauses for a moment to catch her breath. That's not to say the controls are wonky-far from it they're quite tight-it's just that her wounds, hunger and inexperience cause her to move gingerly. Lara moves awkwardly at this early stage. There were no guns or human enemies yet, so I can't describe how combat works. The bow does not have unlimited arrows (as I found out the hard way) but fortunately there are plenty of ammo pick-ups scattered around for slow learners like me. You can then release the trigger for a power shot. If you hold RT for a few seconds as you aim, the camera zooms in on your target. Hold LT to draw the bow, use the right stick to aim, then press and release RT to shoot. About halfway through the demo, you get your hands on the bow and arrows. The controls are similar to the previous Crystal Dynamics Tomb Raider games with a few minor changes: The left stick moves Lara the right stick controls the camera.

Several of you have asked for my impressions, so if you'll indulge me, I'll ramble a bit. But it was great to finally see the game on an HD screen and get a feel for the controls. This demo doesn't reveal anything we haven't already been shown, and I won't give a blow-by-blow of the action, since you can watch it yourself. I went through it twice, and I'm sure I still haven't seen everything there is to see. It takes about 15 minutes to complete, depending on how much side exploration you do. We played what was billed as the "Pre-Beta Hunting Demo," basically the same demo shown at PAX in the video below. On Saturday, October 13, I had the privilege of attending New York Comic Con and trying the demo for the upcoming Tomb Raider game. This is the second of 2 posts about my experience at New York Comic Con.