If the player is hidden they will become invisible, invulnerable and removed from their group until they exit spectator. 4.1 Change the local player’s spectator statusĪce_spectator_fnc_setSpectator If the interface is not forced then the player can close spectator with the ESC key.

All of the following public functions are provided to try and accommodate for such needs.

While the majority of scenarios can be set up as desired using only the settings provided, some require more specific limitations on what functionality is available to whom. to limit each player to only be able to spectate units on their side) on top of these. Through the use of public functions, the spectator experience can be more finely controlled (e.g. Note that these settings govern the default spectator behaviour.

“This video was created using content of Bohemia Interactive a.s.” Want A discount on an arma or other gaming server for cheap? Look to our sponsors! → I’m helping them out right now so sharing what I am doing would be ideal I thought this would be helpful since I need to do this anyway for the milsim unit I play with. For this tutorial, I go over somethings you want to consider before you begin, the process of making the faction itself, and run some tests. Rather than your typical Arma 3 gameplay, I thought it might help to answer the question, “how do I make a customer faction in Arma 3?” To do this, I’ve always used the ALiVE Orbat Creator.